The official blog of Eric Rudd Photography; a selection of professional and personal work.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lazy Afternoon

There's a certain time in the late afternoon when the light is just beautiful. I am blessed with a north-facing picture window at my house and I try to take advantage of it whenever I can. Especially when taking shots of my son, Charlie.

Our neighbor across the street travels back east every few weeks and invariably brings home presents for my son. A few weeks ago she dropped off this really cute Boston Red Socks t-shirt for Charlie. Since the weather was so nice a few days ago, I dressed him in it along with a pair of black sweats. It's as if my son transformed from the toddler I've known for three+ years now into a young man right before my eyes! He looked really cute so you'll have to indulge me in posting a couple of pictures of my boy!

Bloomington, Indiana photographer, son

At almost four years old he's already a better Miss PacMan player than I am!!!

Bloomington, Indiana photographer, son


tessa jones said...

He is so adorable!!! Susan gave me your card so I decided to check out your website! Great pictures!

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